Journal articles
Klingbyle, A. T., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2023). Conflict with customers: The limits of social
support and job autonomy in preventing burnout among customer service workers.
International Journal of Conflict Management. doi:10.1108/IJCMA-04-2022-0074
Huth, K. B. S., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2022, Preprint). Quantifying the evidence for the
absence of the job demands and job control interaction on workers’ well-being: A
Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Chung-Yan, G. A., Adair, J. T. L., & Baher, T. (2022). Holding cybervetting to the same
standards as traditional vetting methods. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15,
Chung-Yan, G.A., Schat, A. C. H., & Cronshaw, S. F. (2019). Are consensus ratings of
Functional Job Analysis scales more reliable than ratings made by independent raters?
Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 5, 83-89.
Moeller, C., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2013). Effects of social support on professors’ work
stress. International Journal of Educational Management, 27, 188-202.
Chung-Yan, G. A., & Butler, A. M. (2011). Proactive personality in the context of job
complexity. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 43, 279-286.
Butler, A. M., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2011). The influence of sexual harassment frequency
and perceptions of organizational justice on victim responses to sexual harassment.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20, 729-754.
Chung-Yan, G. A., & Moeller, C. (2010). The psychosocial costs of conflict management
styles. International Journal of Conflict Management, 21, 382-399.
Chung-Yan, G. A. (2010). The nonlinear effects of job complexity and autonomy on job
satisfaction, turnover, and psychological well-being. Journal of Occupational Health
Psychology, 15, 237-251.
Cronshaw, S. F., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2010). The need for even further clarity about
Cleary. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice,
3, 206-209.
Son Hing, L. S, Chung-Yan, G. A., Hamilton, L. K., & Zanna, M. P. (2008). A two-
dimensional model that employs explicit and implicit attitudes to characterize
prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 971-987.
Chung-Yan, G. A., Cronshaw, S. F., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2005). Information exchange article:
A criterion-related validation study of transit operators. International Journal of
Selection and Assessment, 13, 172-177.
Chung-Yan, G. A., & Cronshaw, S. F. (2002). A critical re-examination and analysis of
cognitive ability tests using the Thorndike model of fairness. Journal of Occupational
and Organizational Psychology, 75, 489-509.
Book chapters
Krieger, M., Chung-Yan, G. A., & Towson, S. M. J. (2016). Social Psychological Theory. In F.
W. Schneider, J. Gruman, & L. M. Coutts (Eds.), Applied social psychology:
Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. (3rd ed.). Sage.
Kwantes, C. T., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2012). Developing a Global Mindset for Leaders: The
Case of the Canadian Context. In W. H. Mobley, M. Li, & Y. Wang (Eds.), Advances in
Global Leadership. (Vol. 7). Emerald.
Son Hing, L. S., Chung-Yan, G. A., Grunfeld, R., Robichaud, L., & Zanna, M. P. (2005).
Exploring the discrepancy between implicit and explicit prejudice: A test of aversive
racism theory. In J. P. Forgas, K. Williams, & S. M. Laham (Eds.), Social Motivation:
Conscious and Unconscious Processes. Cambridge University Press.
Invited talks
Chung-Yan, G. A., Lakhani, Z., & Zappavigna, A. (2018) At the Breaking Point: The
growing problem of workplace stress and burnout, and what to do about it. Audio
Conference. Colin Johnston (moderator). Lancaster House: Toronto, Ontario.
Chung-Yan, G. A. (2011). Extricating your head out of where it doesn’t belong:
Proactivity, discretionary behaviour, and taking ownership over your workplace. Invited
talk at the 2011 Southwestern Ontario Industrial/Organizational Psychology Student
Conference. University of Guelph: Guelph, Ontario.
Greg A. Chung-Yan, PhD
University of Windsor
Applied Social Psychology
MA / PhD Program
Chair, Program Development Committee,
senate standing subcommittee, University of
Windsor (2017-2022)
Senator, University of Windsor (2017-current)
Department Head, Psychology (2013-2016)
Acting Dean, Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and
Social Sciences (FAHSS, 2014, 3 days)
Director, Applied Social Psychology Training
Committee (2011-2012, 2022)
Chair, Committee on Participant Recruitment,
Psychology Participant Pool (2009-2012)
Ontario Universities Fair recruiter (2007 &
Committee Membership
Applied Social Psychology Training Committee
/ Research Ethics Committee (2006-2011;
Departmental Research Ethics Committee,
Clinical Psychology (2017)
Graduate Studies Committee, Psychology
(2017, 2020)
Faculty Coordinating Council, FAHSS (2013-
Committee on Participant Recruitment,
Psychology Participant Pool (2006-2009)
Picture taken in 2007
Picture taken in 2016